Whilst I find my native tongue, it's colour and incredible diversity
both fascinating and alluring, I must apologise for my foolish goofing
ramblings and forays into a literary abyss. I never had any early
aspirations to write and really should have paid more attention
at school, nevertheless, I'm having my fun and getting on and having
a crack is what motivate-u is allabout.
I hope to give you a few laughs and some inspiration as I enthusiastically
document our meanderings across the globe. Even though I look back
at my memoirs and cringe at the mistakes, updates are usually done
at the end of a long day; tired perched uncomfortably in the tent,
or under the shade of a tree, or somewhere in the middle of the
sea. Words like 'incredible' get a damned good flogging, though
what we are doing and experiencing is really incredible and we wish
that through this site we can motivate-u to get on anddo what you
know you can do.
If you are enjoying my prose as much as I do creating it I'd like
to remind you we are doing this for a reason; to help those less
fortunate than ourselves, and urge you to make a donation, no matter
how small to our charity SOS children.
'Live your life... and make a difference.
Many thanks for any help.
Niel and Sarah